When on the market for a house, many people are drawn to older homes for their classy look and more individual designs. Modern homes often look the same or have increased market value that is often hard to reach. Whatever the reason for buying an older home, there are a few areas of concern you want to look for before committing to an older home. JMark Inspections have seen a lot of issues in older homes that should be looked at before buying. When buying an older home be sure to look for these common issues.
Detecting Asbestos in 1920s & Older Houses
Asbestos was widely used in homes due to the material’s resistance to flame which helped make the home slightly safer. However, it is now well known that asbestos can cause cancer and other serious respiratory problems. Asbestos use was finally banned in 1989. Homes built before the ban however may still contain asbestos. When looking around at homes that are considered older, ask about what year the home was built. If the home was built before 1989 there is a chance asbestos was used. You can have a home inspection before buying the home to insure there is no asbestos. If asbestos is present the home’s value may come down and you will need to have the asbestos removed before occupancy.
Do All Homes Built Before 1978 have Lead Paint?
Lead paint is also a well know material that can cause a number of health problem, and now federal law dictates that a child under the age of six cannot reside in a home with lead paint. Lead paint was widely used in older homes. However, by 1978 most homes no longer used lead based paints as they were found to be toxic. When buying an older home that was built before 1978, there is a chance there is still lead based paints inside. The paint can be tested with lead testing kits to determine what type of paint is on the wall. If the home tests positive for lead paint often the paint will need to be removed. The paint is often stripped and sanded off the wall and then a quality primer needs to be applied before repainting.
Inspecting Roof on Older Home
When you’re considering buying an older home it truly pays to have the roof inspected as well. When a home is well maintained and the previous homeowners took good care of the roof, the home will be a worthwhile investment. However, neglected roofs can lead to many problems. Not only may the new homeowner be looking at total roof replacement in the near future but additional problems with insulation, and internal framing problems as well. The roof of a home takes a major beating and requires ongoing care and maintenance. If the roof isn’t properly cared for often the whole house suffers which becomes a major investment.
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These are but a few of the common issues found in older homes. There are many more such as electrical, plumbing, and efficiency problems that come into view when buying an older home. Before signing on the dotted line, make sure to have the home inspected first. With an inspection comes an in-depth knowledge of the home before buying. When you need quality home inspections contact JMark Inspections.