Buying a new home can be a nerve racking experience, especially for first time home buyers, and savvy buyers want reassurance that the property they are purchasing is in good standing. If you are in the market to sell your home, one of the most important steps in the selling process is a home inspection; in fact a number of potential buyers rely on a home inspection as a contingency of the sale itself. If you are in the market to sell your home you should be proactive and do everything in your power to ensure a successful sale, and one of the best ways to do this is to arrange for a professional seller home inspection with the knowledgeable experts at JMark Inspections.
Add Curb Appeal to Your House
Curb appeal is extremely important to a potential buyer and as the first impression on your home it can heavily influence the outcome by creating a positive or negative experience for them. Be sure to mow your grass, trim your shrubs, tend to your flowers beds, and even set out some colorful potted flowers. You should also check for maintenance issues such as making sure your locks and deadbolts are working correctly, sweep off your porches and decks, and wash down the sidewalk around your home. Lastly, touch up and repair your exterior paint, and remove any rotted pieces or exposed nails.
Inspect Gutters & Roofing
One of the many items on your home inspectors list is the roof and gutters, so it’s extremely important they are in good working order. Clean out gutters on a regular basis, and clean off the roof with a leaf blower and if necessary arrange for them to be professionally power washed. If your roof has been damaged, and you haven’t gotten around to repairing it yet you should get it fixed immediately. Same applies to DIY repairs which will be counted as a defect on your inspection report unless you get them repaired by a reputable roofing repair company.
Prepare Interior for Home Inspector
The inside of your home needs to be just as appealing as the exterior, and your home inspector will closely inspect everything within the home. To prepare for your interior inspection complete a thorough walk through to ensure all areas are well lit, your smoke detectors are working correctly, your HVAC filter has been changed, your sinks are working properly, and your appliances are plugged in and operating correctly. Make sure that your inspector is able to access hard to reach places, including moving storing boxes away from the water heater and electrical panels etc.
Clean House for Home Inspection
Making sure your home is clean and tidy goes a long way to creating a good first impression. Dust, polish, vacuum, and put items away. Your home inspector will appreciate your effort as the simple act of keeping your home tidy makes it easy for them to inspect your home and the potential buyer will be impressed at how well you take care of your property and belongings. It will also help them imagine how their own belongings will look inside the space.
Seller Pre-Inspections & Buyer Home Inspections in Pasadena, Pearland, League City, Sugar Land, The Woodlands, Conroe, Friendswood & Greater Houston, Texas
To learn more about professional seller home inspections to assist in the sale of your Houston Texas home , contact the knowledgeable experts at JMark Inspections today.